DHU Mercurius Jodatus Flavus D12 For Cheap
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DHU Mercurius Jodatus Flavus D12
Mercurius Jodatus Flavus uses:
Mercurius Iodatus Flavus Dilution is a homeopathic medicine which is also known as yellow iodide of mercury. It has a strong indication towards glands of the throat. It is recommended in treatment of various symptoms of head, mouth, and throat.
pack size:20ml Dosage form:dilution
Homeopathic medicine.
active ingredients
- 1 ml Hydrargyrum iodatum D12
- 51% vol. ethanol
Homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without a therapeutic indication.
The combination of Mercury and Iodine, in equal atoms, I first prepared according to Hahnemann’s directions, and introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1840. A favorable opinion of the value of a combination of these two medicines was the result of practical observation, first from an alcoholic solution, and then by trituration. The latter is decidedly the best, and the only one that should be used. The first trituration has generally been used by me, and I am not aware of any very satisfactory results from higher attenuations. If the medicine is discontinued too soon. or higher potencies substituted, the patient will often relapse.
It is most happily indicated (other conditions, coinciding) in all enlargement or disease of the glands, acute or chronic, “conglobate or conglomerate” swelling of the parotids and tonsils during scarlatina, enlargement, engorgement, or torpor of the liver or spleen during fevers, particularly those fevers of typhoid type, enlargement of the inguinal glands and testicles during “or lues, a feeling of soreness of the scalp on combing or brushing the hair. Inflammation of the meibomian glands, with ulceration and adhesions of the lids in the morning, from an accumulation of matter on the conjunctiva and sclerotica, with elevated, granulated, and swollen surface. (Scrofulous ophthalmia), chronic inflammation of the lachrymal sac and duct. Catarrhal inflammation of the posterior nares. The whole mucous membrane of the nose inflamed, and the wings of the nostrils excoriated, from the profuse discharge of corrosive mucus, particularly in children. Nasal bones sore to the touch, and black spots on the skin.
Sordes about the teeth and lips. Dry lips, tongue dry, and deeply chapped in the centre, deeply coated, whitish, ash- colored, velvety, deep yellow, or brown. Ulcers are scattered alone the margin of the tongue, with red edges and an ashy-gray centre, the edge of the tongue shows the prints the teeth where it rests against them. The gums easily bleed and look spongy, or have small ulcers of the same character as those on the tongue. The buccal and submaxillary glands are enlarged, inflamed, painful, throbbing, or hard, painless and hypertrophied; parotids and tonsils are in a similar condition, and there is an abundant flow of tough saliva, with cough and expectoration of yellow mucus, or transparent frothy mucus, with an occasional heavy flake in the centre. The teeth are sore feel as if elongated, with sharp shooting pains proceeding from them up the side of the face to the temples and head.
The uvula, tonsils and isthmus-faucium are inflamed. The mucous membrane of the posterior nares, pharynx,., is changed from its normal pale red hum too deep scarlet, or even purple. as the inflammation advances in severity. As it passes to a chronic form the inflammation appears more in patches, of an irregular circumscribed form, growing paler towards their circumference, until it is blended in the color of the surrounding membrane into which it merges. From the surface of these patches a quantity of tough, white, or yellowish mucus is discharged, which keeps the patient constantly coughing, or hawking, to clear the air passages. In some cases, where the passage of the disease is rapid, and the inflammation is intense, the membrane is smooth, shining, tense, glossy, and dry; the capillary vessel, which in the healthy condition of the parts are not seen, now become distinctly visible from their enlargement. In some instances the mucous follicles are so much impaired in their function as to cease to throw out any healthy mucus, and the entire entrance to the air-passages, and oesophagus, and palatine arch, is deep red, and dry, except spherical drops of water which stand on the surface like sweat, presenting the appearance of an erythematous inflammation, with exudation very analogous to that which appears on the skin. The epiglottis, particularly at its root, is more abundantly supplied with mucous follicles, and hence is most affected by this condition. The inflammation extends from the lingual surface of the epiglottis to the laryngeal surface, and by continuity to the entire surface of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial ramifications. The voice is changed, or entire aphonia may taken place as the inflammation extends to the larynx and involves the chordae-vocales in ulceration. At this stage, in addition to the character of the expectoration, we have the following signs of this of disease: external pressure upon the larynx produces pain and sometimes cough, which latter is of a peculiar cracking character, with in the throat. In the second stage of some forms of this disease of the throat, particularly when the first stage off slowly, the surface is raw, the epithelium, which in the healthy of the mucous membrane covers its surface, being entirely destroyed, the mucous glandulae will gradually swell project, showing small pea-like granulations studding the entire surface, in a state of hypertrophy, the transparent and bland mucous secretion of the healthy state by this transformation to diseased action becomes opaque, viscid, and tough, causing a constant disposition to cough or hawk, which bring off a large quantity of this diseased mucus.
A feeling off soreness attends upon pressing the larynx, upper end of the sternum, and under the clavicles, with weariness and oppression. and a rattling “rale muqueux,” which the patient notices, in the larynx and trachea, and auscultation discovers this rattling to extend more or less throughout the chest. The respiration is hurried, and the pulse over 100, small and wiry, slight chills and fever, followed by perspiration twice in twenty-four hours. Percussion exhibits a dull sound throughout the clavicular region and lobes of the lungs, and tuberculation, more or less extensively developed, or hepatization, which often follows inflammation off the lungs. Emaciation, hectic fever, night and morning cough, with mucous or mucopurulent expectoration., leaves but little hope, even from this agent, after all other means have proved abortive. I have been more minute in the details of this portion of the diseases of the mucous and glandular tissues, because this is by far the most important sphere of the action of the Protiodide of Mercurius
The Protiodide will also be found effectual in removing tenderness, fullness, hardness, and aching of the hypochondria and epigastrium, bloating and Tympanitic or hard and doughy feel of the abdomen, particularly of infants (tabes-mesenterica). with cloudy urine. Diarrhoea of a dysenteric character, green alvine discharges, and scrofulous children or when these symptoms follow a severe catarrh.
Default Title
- 1 ml Hydrargyrum iodatum D12
- 51% vol. ethanol
Homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without a therapeutic indication.
The combination of Mercury and Iodine, in equal atoms, I first prepared according to Hahnemann’s directions, and introduced into homoeopathic practice in 1840. A favorable opinion of the value of a combination of these two medicines was the result of practical observation, first from an alcoholic solution, and then by trituration. The latter is decidedly the best, and the only one that should be used. The first trituration has generally been used by me, and I am not aware of any very satisfactory results from higher attenuations. If the medicine is discontinued too soon. or higher potencies substituted, the patient will often relapse.
It is most happily indicated (other conditions, coinciding) in all enlargement or disease of the glands, acute or chronic, “conglobate or conglomerate” swelling of the parotids and tonsils during scarlatina, enlargement, engorgement, or torpor of the liver or spleen during fevers, particularly those fevers of typhoid type, enlargement of the inguinal glands and testicles during “or lues, a feeling of soreness of the scalp on combing or brushing the hair. Inflammation of the meibomian glands, with ulceration and adhesions of the lids in the morning, from an accumulation of matter on the conjunctiva and sclerotica, with elevated, granulated, and swollen surface. (Scrofulous ophthalmia), chronic inflammation of the lachrymal sac and duct. Catarrhal inflammation of the posterior nares. The whole mucous membrane of the nose inflamed, and the wings of the nostrils excoriated, from the profuse discharge of corrosive mucus, particularly in children. Nasal bones sore to the touch, and black spots on the skin.
Sordes about the teeth and lips. Dry lips, tongue dry, and deeply chapped in the centre, deeply coated, whitish, ash- colored, velvety, deep yellow, or brown. Ulcers are scattered alone the margin of the tongue, with red edges and an ashy-gray centre, the edge of the tongue shows the prints the teeth where it rests against them. The gums easily bleed and look spongy, or have small ulcers of the same character as those on the tongue. The buccal and submaxillary glands are enlarged, inflamed, painful, throbbing, or hard, painless and hypertrophied; parotids and tonsils are in a similar condition, and there is an abundant flow of tough saliva, with cough and expectoration of yellow mucus, or transparent frothy mucus, with an occasional heavy flake in the centre. The teeth are sore feel as if elongated, with sharp shooting pains proceeding from them up the side of the face to the temples and head.
The uvula, tonsils and isthmus-faucium are inflamed. The mucous membrane of the posterior nares, pharynx,., is changed from its normal pale red hum too deep scarlet, or even purple. as the inflammation advances in severity. As it passes to a chronic form the inflammation appears more in patches, of an irregular circumscribed form, growing paler towards their circumference, until it is blended in the color of the surrounding membrane into which it merges. From the surface of these patches a quantity of tough, white, or yellowish mucus is discharged, which keeps the patient constantly coughing, or hawking, to clear the air passages. In some cases, where the passage of the disease is rapid, and the inflammation is intense, the membrane is smooth, shining, tense, glossy, and dry; the capillary vessel, which in the healthy condition of the parts are not seen, now become distinctly visible from their enlargement. In some instances the mucous follicles are so much impaired in their function as to cease to throw out any healthy mucus, and the entire entrance to the air-passages, and oesophagus, and palatine arch, is deep red, and dry, except spherical drops of water which stand on the surface like sweat, presenting the appearance of an erythematous inflammation, with exudation very analogous to that which appears on the skin. The epiglottis, particularly at its root, is more abundantly supplied with mucous follicles, and hence is most affected by this condition. The inflammation extends from the lingual surface of the epiglottis to the laryngeal surface, and by continuity to the entire surface of the larynx, trachea, and bronchial ramifications. The voice is changed, or entire aphonia may taken place as the inflammation extends to the larynx and involves the chordae-vocales in ulceration. At this stage, in addition to the character of the expectoration, we have the following signs of this of disease: external pressure upon the larynx produces pain and sometimes cough, which latter is of a peculiar cracking character, with in the throat. In the second stage of some forms of this disease of the throat, particularly when the first stage off slowly, the surface is raw, the epithelium, which in the healthy of the mucous membrane covers its surface, being entirely destroyed, the mucous glandulae will gradually swell project, showing small pea-like granulations studding the entire surface, in a state of hypertrophy, the transparent and bland mucous secretion of the healthy state by this transformation to diseased action becomes opaque, viscid, and tough, causing a constant disposition to cough or hawk, which bring off a large quantity of this diseased mucus.
A feeling off soreness attends upon pressing the larynx, upper end of the sternum, and under the clavicles, with weariness and oppression. and a rattling “rale muqueux,” which the patient notices, in the larynx and trachea, and auscultation discovers this rattling to extend more or less throughout the chest. The respiration is hurried, and the pulse over 100, small and wiry, slight chills and fever, followed by perspiration twice in twenty-four hours. Percussion exhibits a dull sound throughout the clavicular region and lobes of the lungs, and tuberculation, more or less extensively developed, or hepatization, which often follows inflammation off the lungs. Emaciation, hectic fever, night and morning cough, with mucous or mucopurulent expectoration., leaves but little hope, even from this agent, after all other means have proved abortive. I have been more minute in the details of this portion of the diseases of the mucous and glandular tissues, because this is by far the most important sphere of the action of the Protiodide of Mercurius
The Protiodide will also be found effectual in removing tenderness, fullness, hardness, and aching of the hypochondria and epigastrium, bloating and Tympanitic or hard and doughy feel of the abdomen, particularly of infants (tabes-mesenterica). with cloudy urine. Diarrhoea of a dysenteric character, green alvine discharges, and scrofulous children or when these symptoms follow a severe catarrh.
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