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EVIPROSTAT N gastro-resistant tablets 100 pcs

Product information EVIPROSTAT N gastro-resistant tablets, 100 pieces

Eviprostat ® N

Enteric coated tablets

  • Inhibition of edema formation in the prostate and inflammation of the bladder mucosa in patients with BPH
  • Increase in voiding volume while significantly reducing the number of voiding sequences
  • Inhibition of pathological bladder activity
  • Restoration of reduced bladder capacity
  • Eviprostat N: Multi-substance mixture as a 5-part combination
    • The male prostate or prostate gland is an accessory sex gland that produces part of the semen. It has roughly the shape of a chestnut and covers the beginning of the urethra down to the pelvic floor. The back of the prostate borders on the rectum and can also be felt from there. Like all glandular organs in humans, the prostate is well supplied with blood and hormonally regulated. In particular, an increased content of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is produced from testosterone with the help of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase and has a strong androgenic effect, is considered to be the main cause of prostate hyperplasia.

      Benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as BPH, is a benign enlargement or growth of prostate tissue that in most cases leads to clinical symptoms. Depending on the severity, this is divided into three stages (according to Alken). While stage I and II diseases can usually still be treated with medication, stage III usually requires surgery. There are many clinical symptoms of BPH, mostly urinary disorders with symptoms such as frequent urination, increased urinary flow, thin urinary stream, dribbling, pain when urinating through to urinary retention. The primary goal of treatment is therefore to eliminate the obstruction and prevent recurring urinary tract infections.

      Eviprostat N is an oral medication for the treatment of urinary symptoms in the context of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) stages I and II according to Alken. In Eviprostat N, four of the best-known and most proven urologically effective medicinal plants are combined into a combination preparation whose effectiveness has not only been proven through many years of experience, but also through experimental investigations and clinical studies. The medicinal plants Chimaphila umbellata  (umbelliferous wintergreen) , Equisetum arvense ( horsetail ), Pulsatilla pratensis ( pasque flower or small pasque flower)  and Populus tremuloides  (aspen or aspen) are combined in Eviprostat N. 

      Pasque flower, field horsetail, wintergreen and aspen extracts have been shown to have flushing (diuretic) and or antiseptic properties that help reduce the risk of UTIs. In addition, aspen and field horsetail extracts have anti-oedematous and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) effects that lead to a reduction in swelling (stasis oedema) in the lower urinary tract. These effects can be attributed to the components of the plants such as flavonoids, in particular quercetin, luteolin and kaempferol, but also ursolic acid, chimaphilin, arbutin and those from  Populus tremuloides originating salicylic acid derivatives. The flavonoids in particular, but also some isolated mono-substances, have recently been examined in detail with regard to their pharmacological and pharmacodynamic effects and the anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic effects have been confirmed.

      • Chimaphila umbellata has traditionally been used for chronic inflammation of the lower urinary tract and prostate, and as a urinary tract antiseptic. Prostate inflammation is a key component in prostate enlargement and the progression of BPH. Chimaphila has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Chimaphila potently inhibits oxygen free radicals, which exacerbate inflammation in the enlarged prostate and cause partial denervation of the detrusor muscle, resulting in bladder instability associated with BPH. The ingredients chimaphilin and arbutin have antimicrobial properties that counteract the disease-related increased risk of urinary tract infection in prostate enlargement.

      • Pulsatilla pratensis has anti-inflammatory and mainly antiseptic antimicrobial effects that reduce the risk of urinary tract infection. A UTI can occur when the flow of urine becomes slowed or blocked, allowing bacteria to thrive, a common complication associated with BPH.

      • Populus tremula primarily contains anti-inflammatory effects caused by the combined action of its components salicin, saligenin and flavonoids (kaempferol-3-glucuronide, naringenin) inhibiting edema formation in the prostate and inflammation of the bladder mucosa in patients with BPH. In addition, Populus exerts analgesic effects that relieve pain that sometimes occurs with urination due to BPH

      • Equisetum contains flavonoids such as kaempferol, isoquercitrin, quercitin (and derivatives) and equisetrin. Equisetum has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and is traditionally used as a diuretic in urinary tract disorders, promoting urinary tract flushing and preventing the increased risk of urinary tract infections. As the prostate enlarges as BPH progresses, the gland narrows and compresses the urethra, causing the typical lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) that are characteristic of the disease. The antispasmodic, relaxing effects of Equisetum can relieve obstructive smooth muscle symptoms of the urethra, bladder neck and prostate.

      • Wheat germ oil contains plant sterols such as ß-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as oleic and linoleic acid with an antioxidant, cytoprotective effect.


          Several experimental findings (in vitro and in vivo) support the plausibility of using the Eviprostat N combination in BPH:

          • Anti-inflammatory effect: Chimaphila (mainly flavonoids), Populus
          • Anti-oxidant action: Equisetum, Populus
          • Antimicrobial action: Chimaphila (mainly Chimaphilin), Pulsatilla, Equisetum, Populus
          • Diuretic effect: Equisetum
          • Anticonvulsant and mild analgesic action: Equisetum
            • advantages

              Beneficial effects in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in mild and moderate BPH related to urinary symptoms, particularly weakness in urinary flow, dysuria (pain or difficulty urinating), pollakiuria (abnormally frequent urination) and nocturia (nocturnal urinary frequency). ),

              Improvement in objective parameters such as micturition frequency, urinary retention volume and prostate size under eviprostat N treatment

              BPH (not too poor physical functioning) patients showed a significantly greater drop in IPSS score of 23.5% in the eviprostat group compared to the placebo group. 

              Safety Results: Well tolerated, with rare, non-serious gastrointestinal complaints in some patients

              The pharmacological and clinical study results as well as the therapeutic experience from more than 60 years of medical use, supported by bibliographic data, confirm the effects and clinical effectiveness of Eviprostat N for the indication.

              Against the background of the multifactorial pathogenesis of BPH, the use of a multi-component mixture of 5 specific plant extracts , such as Eviprostat N, with different pharmacodynamic targets, is scientifically plausible and sensible for the indication. With the 5-way combination of Eviprostat N, additive effects together with other synergistic effects can be assumed – as explained above for the flavonoids contained simultaneously in several individual extracts.

              Active ingredients plants

              Pasque flower, field horsetail, wintergreen and aspen extracts have been shown to have flushing (diuretic) and or antiseptic properties that help reduce the risk of UTIs. In addition, aspen and field horsetail extracts have anti-oedematous and anti-inflammatory (anti-inflammatory) effects that lead to a reduction in swelling (stasis oedema) in the lower urinary tract. These effects can be attributed to the components of the plants such as flavonoids, in particular quercetin, luteolin and kaempferol, but also ursolic acid, chimaphilin, arbutin and those from Populus tremuloidesoriginating salicylic acid derivatives. The flavonoids in particular, but also some isolated mono-substances, have recently been examined in detail with regard to their pharmacological and pharmacodynamic effects and the anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic effects have been confirmed.

              • Chimaphila umbellata has traditionally been used for chronic inflammation of the lower urinary tract and prostate, and as a urinary tract antiseptic. Prostate inflammation is a key component in prostate enlargement and the progression of BPH. Chimaphila has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Chimaphila potently inhibits oxygen free radicals, which exacerbate inflammation in the enlarged prostate and cause partial denervation of the detrusor muscle, resulting in bladder instability associated with BPH. The ingredients chimaphilin and arbutin have antimicrobial properties that counteract the disease-related increased risk of urinary tract infection in prostate enlargement.
              • Pulsatilla pratensis has anti-inflammatory and mainly antiseptic antimicrobial effects that reduce the risk of urinary tract infection. A UTI can occur when the flow of urine becomes slowed or blocked, allowing bacteria to thrive, a common complication associated with BPH.
              • Populus tremula primarily contains anti-inflammatory effects caused by the combined action of its components salicin, saligenin and flavonoids (kaempferol-3-glucuronide, naringenin) inhibiting edema formation in the prostate and inflammation of the bladder mucosa in patients with BPH. In addition, Populus exerts analgesic effects that relieve pain that sometimes occurs with urination due to BPH
              • Equisetum contains flavonoids such as kaempferol, isoquercitrin, quercitin (and derivatives) and equisetrin. Equisetum has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties and is traditionally used as a diuretic in urinary tract disorders, promoting urinary tract flushing and preventing the increased risk of urinary tract infections. As the prostate enlarges as BPH progresses, the gland narrows and compresses the urethra, causing the typical lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) that are characteristic of the disease. The antispasmodic, relaxing effects of Equisetum can relieve obstructive smooth muscle symptoms of the urethra, bladder neck and prostate.
              • Wheat germ oil contains plant sterols such as ß-sitosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, as well as oleic and linoleic acid with an antioxidant, cytoprotective effect.
                • combination

                  Inhibition of inflammation and suppression of reactive oxygen species (ROS), markers of urinary oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels

                  Inhibition of edema formation in the prostate and inflammation of the bladder mucosa in patients with BPH

                  Increase in voiding volume while significantly reducing the number of voiding sequences

                  Inhibition of pathological bladder activity

                  Restoration of reduced bladder capacity

                  Mandatory text

                  Areas of application:
                  To improve urinary symptoms in the case of benign enlargement of the prostate (prostate gland) in older men. Before use, serious illnesses must be ruled out by a doctor.
                  Eviprostat N is a traditional medicinal product that is registered for the area of ​​application solely because it has been used for many years.
                  Contains sucrose, lactose and glucose.
                  For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

                  EVIPROSTAT N gastro-resistant tablets (100 pcs) active ingredients




                  Chimaphila umbellata (Tinct.)

                  0.5 mg

                  Equisetum arvense unspecified (Extr.sicc.)

                  1.5 mg

                  Populus tremuloides (Tinct.)

                  0.5 mg

                  Pulsatilla pratensis unspecified (Tinct.)

                  0.5 mg


                  Default Title