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INFI MOMORDICA balsamina, Carum carvi, Dioscorea villosa Sale


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INFI MOMORDICA balsamina, Carum carvi, Dioscorea villosa drops

Infi Momordica Drops

Areas of application:
Registered homeopathic medicinal product, therefore without indication of a therapeutic indication.

Contraindications: Do not use if you have a known hypersensitivity to Chamomilla recutita (chamomile) or other composite plants.

Side effects: None known. Interactions: None known.

Note: Since there is no sufficiently documented experience in pregnancy and breastfeeding, the drug should only be used after consulting a doctor. There is insufficient experience with the use of this medicine in children. It should therefore only be used in children under the age of 12 after consultation with a doctor therapist with homeopathic experience.

Dosage: The application requires an individual dosage by a homeopathically experienced therapist. As part of self-medication, therefore, only a dose of 5 drops should be taken. To continue the therapy, it is recommended to contact a homeopathically experienced therapist.

Homeopathic medicine.

active ingredients

  • 0.08 ml Momordica balsamina D2
  • 0.04 ml Carbo vegetabilis D8
  • 0.06 ml Carum carvi D2
  • 0.01 ml Chamomilla recutita mother tincture
  • 0.04 ml Citrullus colocynthis D4
  • 0.04ml Dioscorea villosa D3
  • 0.06 ml Foeniculum vulgare D2
  • 0.04ml Veratrum album D4
  • 0.12ml Bryonia D4,D8,D12,D30,D200 each 0.024ml
  • 0.18ml Citrullus colocynthis D4
  • 0.18 ml Lycopodium clavatum D3,D12,D30,D200,D1000 each 0.036 ml
  • 0.12 ml Strychnos nux-vomica D4,D12,D30,D200,D1000 each 0.024 ml
    • excipients

      • ethanol
        • Composition:
          10.0 ml contain:
          Medicinally active ingredients:
          Momordica balsamina Dil. D2 0.8 ml, Carbo vegetabilis dil. D8 0.4ml, Carum carvi Dil. D2 0.6 ml, Chamomilla recutita Ø 0.12 ml, Colocynth (HAB 34) dil. D4 [HAB, regulation 4a, Ø with ethanol 86% (m m)] 0.4 ml, Dioscorea villosa Dil. D3 0.4 ml, Foeniculum vulgare dil. D2 0.6ml, Veratrum Dil. D4 0.4ml, Bryonia dil. D4, D8, D12, D30, D200* 0.24 ml each, Colocynth (HAB 34) dil. D4, D12, D60, D200 [HAB, regulation 4a, Ø with ethanol 86% (m m)]* 0.45 ml each, Lycopodium clavatum Dil. D3, D12, D30, D200, D1000** 0.36 ml each, Strychnos nux-vomica Dil. 4X, 12X, 30X, 200X, 1000X* 0.24 ml each.

          *) Potentiated together over the last three levels.
          **) Lycopodium clavatum Dil. D12, D30, D200, D1000 potentized together over the third to last and penultimate level, Lycopodium clavatum Dil. D3, D12, D30, D200, D1000 exponentiated together over the last level.

          Excipient: ethanol 62% (m m)

          1 ml corresponds to 25 drops.

          Dosage instructions, type and duration of application:
          Unless otherwise prescribed: The application requires an individual dosage by a homeopathically experienced therapist. As part of self-medication, therefore, only a dose of 5 drops should be taken. To continue the therapy, it is recommended to contact a homeopathically experienced therapist. Homeopathic medicines should not be taken for a long time without medical advice.

          momordica balsamina benefits:

          anti-HIV, anti-plasmodial, shigellocidal, anti-diarrheal, antiseptic, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, analgesic and hepatoprotective properties. The therapeutic agent Momordin is capable of inhibiting the growth of HIV and other viruses.

          Carbo vegetabilis benefits:

          This homeopathic remedy relieves nausea and cramps from indigestion, especially after excessive eating of spicy foods or drinking of alcohol. This helps relieve gastric discomfort caused by eating too much fatty food, cakes and ice cream, with bloating, belching and slow digestion.

          Carum carvi benefits

          It is traditionally used as a spice in foods and beverages and as an alternative herbal medicine for GI ailments including dyspepsia, and various spasmodic conditions, bloating, diarrhea and in flatulent colic. It is diuretic and expectorant and used for increasing maternal milk and dysmenorrhea.

          Chamomilla recutita benefits:

          • digestive upset, such as indigestion, nausea, or gas.
          • wound healing, including ulcers and sores.
          • anxiety relief.
          • easing skin conditions like eczema or rashes.
          • anti-inflammation and pain relief for conditions like back pain, neuralgia, or arthritis.
          • promoting sleep.
            • Citrullus colocynthis benefits:

              Colocynth is an herb. The ripe fruit and seed are used as a medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, colocynth is used for diabetes, high cholesterol and blood fats called triglycerides, constipation, and tuberculosis. It is also used in combination products for treating liver and gallbladder ailments.

               Dioscorea villosa benefits:

              • Lowered blood sugar levels. In a study in mice, diosgenin extract significantly reduced blood sugar levels and helped prevent diabetes-induced kidney injury
              • Reduced cholesterol levels. …
              • Potential anticancer effects.
                • Foeniculum vulgare benefits:

                  Foeniculum vulgare (Apiaceae) commonly known as fennel is a well known and important medicinal and aromatic plant widely used as carminative, digestive, lactogogue and diuretic and in treating respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders. 

                  Veratrum album benefits:

                  Veratrum Album Dilution is a homeopathic remedy that is prepared from the leaves and berries of the Mistletoe plant. The medicine is best suited for low blood pressure with weak pulse, in cases of collapse, blueness, and cold perspiration with violent retching and vomiting.

                  Bryonia benefits:

                  Bryonia, also called bryony, is a plant-based homeopathic remedy that s been used to relieve constipation, upset stomach, and fluid retention. It s also been used to treat chronic conditions such as arthritis, cancer, and liver disease.

                  Citrullus colocynthis benefits:

                  Colocynth is an herb. The ripe fruit and seed are used as a medicine. Despite serious safety concerns, colocynth is used for diabetes, high cholesterol and blood fats called triglycerides, constipation, and tuberculosis. It is also used in combination products for treating liver and gallbladder ailments.

                  Lycopodium clavatum benefits:

                  In homeopathy, it is used in the treatment of aneurisms, constipation, fevers, and chronic lung and bronchial disorders. It also reduces gastric inflammation, simplifies digestion, and helps in treatments of chronic kidney disorders.

                  Strychnos nux-vomica benefits:

                  • allergies.
                  • fever.
                  • insomnia.
                  • numbness in the hands or legs.
                  • hangovers.
                  • digestive issues, such as heartburn and nausea.
                  • headaches and migraines.
                  • constipation.
                    • Size

                      50 ml, 100 ml