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JUCURBA 240 mg hard capsules, Devils claw root dry extract Sale


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JUCURBA 240 mg hard capsules, Devils claw root dry extract

Jucurba® 240 mg capsules

Active substance: Devil s claw root dry extract

JUCURBA 240 mg hard capsules, Devils claw root dry extract Application:


Supportive therapy for signs of wear and tear in the musculoskeletal system.

Note: In acute conditions, for example with reddening, swelling or overheating v. joints, as well as persistent complaints, a doctor should be consulted.

Note: Contains lactose

– Signs of wear and tear of the musculoskeletal system, for supportive treatment Instructions for

The total dose should not be increased without consulting a doctor or pharmacist are exceeded.

Type of application?
Take the medicine with liquid (e.g. 1 glass of water).

Duration of use?
In principle, the duration of the application is not limited in time.
You should see your doctor if you have persistent or recurring symptoms.

Overdose can cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and headaches, among other things. If you suspect an overdose, contact a doctor immediately.

Forgot to take?
Continue taking it as normal (i.e. not double the amount) at the next prescribed time.

In general, pay attention to a conscientious dosage, especially for babies, small children and the elderly. If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist about any effects or precautions.

A dosage prescribed by the doctor may deviate from the information on the package leaflet. Therefore, since the doctor adjusts them individually, you should use the medicine according to his instructions.

Mode of action:
How does the ingredient in the drug work?

The ingredients come from the devil s claw plant and act as a natural mixture. About the plant itself:
– Appearance: perennial, prostrate plant with a strongly developed root system; grey-green, lobed leaves, large, funnel-shaped violet flowers
– Occurrence: Kalahari Desert (South Africa)
– Main ingredients: bitter substances (harpagoside)
– Plant parts and preparations used: dried root extracts
The bitter substances in devil s claw suppress an endogenous substance that is responsible for the formation of pain- and inflammation-triggering substances. The bitter taste also stimulates digestion.

What speaks against an application?

– Hypersensitivity to the ingredients
– Ulcers in the digestive tract

Under certain circumstances – talk to your doctor or pharmacist about this:
– Gallstone disease

Which age group should be considered?
– Children under 12 years of age: The medicine should not normally be used in this age group.

What about pregnancy and lactation?
– Pregnancy: According to current knowledge, the drug should not be used.
– Breast-feeding: According to current knowledge, it is not recommended to use it. You may be to consider a weaning.

If you have been prescribed the drug despite a contraindication, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. The therapeutic benefit can be higher than the risk that the use entails in the event of a contraindication.

Side effects:
What side effects can occur?

Only side effects that have only occurred in exceptional cases so far are described for the drug.

If you notice any discomfort or changes during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

For the information at this point, side effects are primarily taken into account that occur in at least one in 1,000 patients treated.

Important information:
What should you consider?
– Be careful if you are allergic to talc!

For medicines: Read the leaflet on the risks and side effects and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


120 pcs, 240 pcs