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PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride Fashion
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PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride 2% 5 ml ampoules
For use within the framework of neural therapy application principles.
active PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride ingredients
- 100 mg procaine hydrochloride
PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride excipients
- sodium chloride
- Citric acid monohydrate
- Sodium hydroxide for pH adjustment
- water for injections
Indication PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochlorideApplication
- The preparation is a drug for local anesthetic (ester-type local anaesthetic)
- It is used within the framework of neural therapy application principles.
- Always use the medicine exactly as directed. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
- The drug is generally administered by a doctor. Please ask your doctor if you are unsure about the application.
- In principle, only the smallest dose may be administered with which the desired sufficient nerve blockade is achieved. The dosage is to be made individually according to the characteristics of the individual case.
- Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, the usual dose for each type of administration for adolescents over 15 years of age and adults of average height is:
skin wheals:
- up to 10 mg per wheal corresponding to 0.5 ml injection solution
- The maximum recommended dose for single use in tissues from which there is rapid absorption of drugs is 500 mg procaine (equivalent to 25 ml solution for injection). When used on the head, neck and genitals, the maximum recommended dose is 200 mg procaine at one time (over a 2-hour period).
- In patients with certain previous illnesses (vascular occlusions, vascular hardening and narrowing (arteriosclerosis) or nerve damage in diabetes), the dose should also be reduced by a third. In the case of impaired liver or kidney function, increased plasma levels can occur, especially with repeated use. In these cases a lower dose range is also recommended.
- Please talk to your doctor if you have the impression that the effect is too strong or too weak.
Duration of application:
- In principle, the duration of the application is not limited, but note the information under areas of application.
If you use more than you should:
the doctor treating you must be informed immediately.
a. Symptoms of an overdose
The drug acts as a central nervous system stimulant in low damaging doses and has the opposite effect in high damaging dose ranges. Procaine hydrochloride poisoning occurs in 2 phases:
- They become restless, complain of dizziness, acoustic and visual disturbances and tingling, especially in the tongue and lip area. Speech is slurred, chills and muscle spasms herald an impending whole-body seizure. As the poisoning of the central nervous system progresses, there is increasing dysfunction of the brainstem with the symptoms of restricted breathing and coma, leading to death.
- b. Emergency measures and antidotes will be initiated immediately by the doctor treating you according to the signs of the disease.
If you forgot the application:
- Do not apply a double dose to make up for a forgotten application.
If you cancel the application:
- The treatment can be stopped at any time.
- The medicine is injected into the skin (intracutaneously).
- It should only be sprayed by those with the knowledge to successfully complete the application.
- Basically, with continuous use, only low-concentration solutions of procaine are used.
- Repeated use of this drug may result in reversible loss of efficacy due to tachyphylaxis (rapid development of tolerance to the drug).
- The solution for injection is intended for single use only. The application must take place immediately after opening the container. Unused residues are to be discarded.
Side PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride effects
- Like all medicines, this can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Possible side effects:
- If you are affected by any of the side effects listed below, stop using the product and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
- Adverse effects of procaine affecting the whole body primarily affect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- At plasma concentrations such as are generally reached with regular use, the blood pressure is usually only slightly influenced by the effect that promotes heart strength and heart rate.
- Procaine can cause changes in the heart s pacing pattern, which show up on the EKG (as a flattened T wave or shortened ST segment).
- A drop in blood pressure can be the first sign of a relative overdose in the sense of a heart-damaging effect. Disorders of the central nervous system such as abnormal sensations around the mouth, restlessness, disturbances of consciousness or a seizure can be triggered.
- Allergic reactions in the form of hives, swelling of the tissue due to water retention, spasms of the airways or shortness of breath, and circulatory reactions have been described.
- Local allergies and allergy-like reactions in the form of skin inflammation with skin reddening, itching and even blistering can occur on contact with ester local anesthetics such as this medicine.
- In addition, when used under the skin (subcutaneously) and in the muscle (intramuscularly), local reactions such as swelling, reddening of the skin and bruising can occur.
- If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified.
- 100 mg procaine hydrochloride
PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride excipients
- sodium chloride
- Citric acid monohydrate
- Sodium hydroxide for pH adjustment
- water for injections
Indication PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochlorideApplication
- The preparation is a drug for local anesthetic (ester-type local anaesthetic)
- It is used within the framework of neural therapy application principles.
- Always use the medicine exactly as directed. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
- The drug is generally administered by a doctor. Please ask your doctor if you are unsure about the application.
- In principle, only the smallest dose may be administered with which the desired sufficient nerve blockade is achieved. The dosage is to be made individually according to the characteristics of the individual case.
- Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, the usual dose for each type of administration for adolescents over 15 years of age and adults of average height is:
skin wheals:
- up to 10 mg per wheal corresponding to 0.5 ml injection solution
- The maximum recommended dose for single use in tissues from which there is rapid absorption of drugs is 500 mg procaine (equivalent to 25 ml solution for injection). When used on the head, neck and genitals, the maximum recommended dose is 200 mg procaine at one time (over a 2-hour period).
- In patients with certain previous illnesses (vascular occlusions, vascular hardening and narrowing (arteriosclerosis) or nerve damage in diabetes), the dose should also be reduced by a third. In the case of impaired liver or kidney function, increased plasma levels can occur, especially with repeated use. In these cases a lower dose range is also recommended.
- Please talk to your doctor if you have the impression that the effect is too strong or too weak.
Duration of application:
- In principle, the duration of the application is not limited, but note the information under areas of application.
If you use more than you should:
the doctor treating you must be informed immediately.
a. Symptoms of an overdose
The drug acts as a central nervous system stimulant in low damaging doses and has the opposite effect in high damaging dose ranges. Procaine hydrochloride poisoning occurs in 2 phases:
- They become restless, complain of dizziness, acoustic and visual disturbances and tingling, especially in the tongue and lip area. Speech is slurred, chills and muscle spasms herald an impending whole-body seizure. As the poisoning of the central nervous system progresses, there is increasing dysfunction of the brainstem with the symptoms of restricted breathing and coma, leading to death.
- b. Emergency measures and antidotes will be initiated immediately by the doctor treating you according to the signs of the disease.
If you forgot the application:
- Do not apply a double dose to make up for a forgotten application.
If you cancel the application:
- The treatment can be stopped at any time.
- The medicine is injected into the skin (intracutaneously).
- It should only be sprayed by those with the knowledge to successfully complete the application.
- Basically, with continuous use, only low-concentration solutions of procaine are used.
- Repeated use of this drug may result in reversible loss of efficacy due to tachyphylaxis (rapid development of tolerance to the drug).
- The solution for injection is intended for single use only. The application must take place immediately after opening the container. Unused residues are to be discarded.
Side PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride effects
- Like all medicines, this can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
Possible side effects:
- If you are affected by any of the side effects listed below, stop using the product and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
- Adverse effects of procaine affecting the whole body primarily affect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- At plasma concentrations such as are generally reached with regular use, the blood pressure is usually only slightly influenced by the effect that promotes heart strength and heart rate.
- Procaine can cause changes in the heart s pacing pattern, which show up on the EKG (as a flattened T wave or shortened ST segment).
- A drop in blood pressure can be the first sign of a relative overdose in the sense of a heart-damaging effect. Disorders of the central nervous system such as abnormal sensations around the mouth, restlessness, disturbances of consciousness or a seizure can be triggered.
- Allergic reactions in the form of hives, swelling of the tissue due to water retention, spasms of the airways or shortness of breath, and circulatory reactions have been described.
- Local allergies and allergy-like reactions in the form of skin inflammation with skin reddening, itching and even blistering can occur on contact with ester local anesthetics such as this medicine.
- In addition, when used under the skin (subcutaneously) and in the muscle (intramuscularly), local reactions such as swelling, reddening of the skin and bruising can occur.
- If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified.
- 100 mg procaine hydrochloride
- sodium chloride
- Citric acid monohydrate
- Sodium hydroxide for pH adjustment
- water for injections
- The preparation is a drug for local anesthetic (ester-type local anaesthetic)
- It is used within the framework of neural therapy application principles.
- Always use the medicine exactly as directed. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
- The drug is generally administered by a doctor. Please ask your doctor if you are unsure about the application.
- In principle, only the smallest dose may be administered with which the desired sufficient nerve blockade is achieved. The dosage is to be made individually according to the characteristics of the individual case.
- Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor, the usual dose for each type of administration for adolescents over 15 years of age and adults of average height is:
- skin wheals:
- up to 10 mg per wheal corresponding to 0.5 ml injection solution
- The maximum recommended dose for single use in tissues from which there is rapid absorption of drugs is 500 mg procaine (equivalent to 25 ml solution for injection). When used on the head, neck and genitals, the maximum recommended dose is 200 mg procaine at one time (over a 2-hour period).
- In patients with certain previous illnesses (vascular occlusions, vascular hardening and narrowing (arteriosclerosis) or nerve damage in diabetes), the dose should also be reduced by a third. In the case of impaired liver or kidney function, increased plasma levels can occur, especially with repeated use. In these cases a lower dose range is also recommended.
- Please talk to your doctor if you have the impression that the effect is too strong or too weak.
Duration of application:
- In principle, the duration of the application is not limited, but note the information under areas of application.
If you use more than you should:
the doctor treating you must be informed immediately.
a. Symptoms of an overdose
The drug acts as a central nervous system stimulant in low damaging doses and has the opposite effect in high damaging dose ranges. Procaine hydrochloride poisoning occurs in 2 phases:
- They become restless, complain of dizziness, acoustic and visual disturbances and tingling, especially in the tongue and lip area. Speech is slurred, chills and muscle spasms herald an impending whole-body seizure. As the poisoning of the central nervous system progresses, there is increasing dysfunction of the brainstem with the symptoms of restricted breathing and coma, leading to death.
- b. Emergency measures and antidotes will be initiated immediately by the doctor treating you according to the signs of the disease.
If you forgot the application:
- Do not apply a double dose to make up for a forgotten application.
If you cancel the application:
- The treatment can be stopped at any time.
- The medicine is injected into the skin (intracutaneously).
- It should only be sprayed by those with the knowledge to successfully complete the application.
- Basically, with continuous use, only low-concentration solutions of procaine are used.
- Repeated use of this drug may result in reversible loss of efficacy due to tachyphylaxis (rapid development of tolerance to the drug).
- The solution for injection is intended for single use only. The application must take place immediately after opening the container. Unused residues are to be discarded.
- Like all medicines, this can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
- Possible side effects:
- If you are affected by any of the side effects listed below, stop using the product and contact your doctor as soon as possible.
- Adverse effects of procaine affecting the whole body primarily affect the central nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- At plasma concentrations such as are generally reached with regular use, the blood pressure is usually only slightly influenced by the effect that promotes heart strength and heart rate.
- Procaine can cause changes in the heart s pacing pattern, which show up on the EKG (as a flattened T wave or shortened ST segment).
- A drop in blood pressure can be the first sign of a relative overdose in the sense of a heart-damaging effect. Disorders of the central nervous system such as abnormal sensations around the mouth, restlessness, disturbances of consciousness or a seizure can be triggered.
- Allergic reactions in the form of hives, swelling of the tissue due to water retention, spasms of the airways or shortness of breath, and circulatory reactions have been described.
- Local allergies and allergy-like reactions in the form of skin inflammation with skin reddening, itching and even blistering can occur on contact with ester local anesthetics such as this medicine.
- In addition, when used under the skin (subcutaneously) and in the muscle (intramuscularly), local reactions such as swelling, reddening of the skin and bruising can occur.
- If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified.
Side PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride effects
- The medicine is injected into the skin (intracutaneously).
- The treatment can be stopped at any time.
If you cancel the application:
- Do not apply a double dose to make up for a forgotten application.
If you forgot the application:
- They become restless, complain of dizziness, acoustic and visual disturbances and tingling, especially in the tongue and lip area. Speech is slurred, chills and muscle spasms herald an impending whole-body seizure. As the poisoning of the central nervous system progresses, there is increasing dysfunction of the brainstem with the symptoms of restricted breathing and coma, leading to death.
The drug acts as a central nervous system stimulant in low damaging doses and has the opposite effect in high damaging dose ranges. Procaine hydrochloride poisoning occurs in 2 phases:
a. Symptoms of an overdose
the doctor treating you must be informed immediately.
If you use more than you should:
- In principle, the duration of the application is not limited, but note the information under areas of application.
Duration of application:
Indication PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochlorideApplication
PASCONEURAL, procaine hydrochloride excipients