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RHEUMA PASC SL, musculoskeletal system diseases Supply


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RHEUMA PASC SL drops, musculoskeletal system diseases

Homeopathic medicine for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.


active RHEUMA PASC SL, musculoskeletal system diseases ingredients

  • 150 mg Berberis vulgaris mother tincture
  • 140 mg Toxicodendron quercifolium D8
  • 370 mg Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium D2
  • 100 mg Rhododendron D6
  • 100 mg Phytolacca americana D3
  • 140 mg Bryonia D2
    • Areas of RHEUMA PASC SL, musculoskeletal system diseases application
      The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. These include: Improvement of rheumatic complaints.

      berberis vulgaris benefits:

      Studies showed that barberry have numerous health benefits, including anti-inflammatory ones. Moreover, it can be used as a medicinal herb to treat a variety of disorders, such as diabetes, liver disease, gallbladder pain, digestive, urinary tract diseases, and gallstones.

      Toxicodendron quercifolium benefits:

      Homeopathic remedy Rhus toxicodendron (Rhus tox) is used for several symptoms including skin irritations, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane afflictions, and typhoid type fever.

      Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium benefits:

      In modern times, many herb enthusiasts swear rabbit tobacco is a sedative and mild pain reliever and may even stop diarrhea. They use it to treat a variety of throat and bronchial conditions including coughs, colds, and asthma. Skin or mouth sores and even burns are treated with a poultice of rabbit tobacco.

      Rhododendron benefits:

      Rhododendron is one of the naturally occurring plants which possess various health benefits, such as prevention and treatment of diseases associated with heart, dysentery, diarrhea, detoxification, inflammation, fever, constipation, bronchitis and asthma. The leaves possess effective antioxidant activity.

      Phytolacca americana benefits:

      Poke root oil is used for swollen lymph noes, mastitis, or breast cancer (Easley, 2016). History: Phytolacca americana is said to be an emetic and purgative with narcotic properties, also used for rheumatism, skin diseases, headaches and perhaps uteran cancer.

      Bryonia benefits

      Bryonia, also called bryony, is a plant-based homeopathic remedy that s been used to relieve constipation, upset stomach, and fluid retention. It s also been used to treat chronic conditions such as arthritis, cancer, and liver disease.

      RHEUMA PASC SL, musculoskeletal system diseases Composition

      10 g (= 10.4 ml) contain:


      active ingredients


      Rhus toxicodendron Dil. D8


      Phytolacca dil. D3


      Bryonia Dil. D2


      Rhododendron Dil. D6


      Gnaphalium polycephalum Dil. D2


      Berberis Ø


      Contains 30

      vol .
      _ Chronic: Take 5 drops in water 1 to 3 times daily.


      50 ml, 100 ml